Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Good Sharing of Ideas

Senior Adult Transitions was a good sharing of ideas, along with a discussion of the challenges of those who refuse to acknowledge that if an AARP card has arrived in their mailbox, they are considered ‘older’ or ‘senior’; hence re-naming my ministry at PRUMC to The 50 Plus Ministry.  One good idea for those ages 50-65 from Margaret Freeman in NC was to take them zip-lining.  I’m planning to do something like that next year along with other adventure-oriented activities.
The workshop for Deacons discussed the hurdles deacons face amongst fellow clergy as well as church members.  Of particular note was the comment that deacons are called to “lead the church gathered and the church dispersed.”  Some who are exploring the possibility of becoming deacons joined us, too.
The Intergenerational Mentoring workshop was another good sharing of ideas; unfortunately, I cannot find my notes.
I led the workshop on Starting and Maintaining Small Groups, but perhaps an overview would be best when we do the panel discussion next year. 

Rev. Julie Wright
Deacon - Peachtree Road UMC

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Renewed, Reminded, and Resourced

The 2014 National CEF Convention was my first National CEF event.  I returned to my local church with a renewed commitment to intentional faith formation.  Spending a few days with so many excellent Christian Educators was a wonderful and inspiring experience. 

One of my biggest “takeaways” was a reminder that the culture of faith formation in your church is THE most important thing.  There is no magic curriculum or study program.  Therefore, our efforts as Christian Educators must emphasize the creation of a healthy culture and this should be reflected in how we manage our time.  Of course I knew this already, but several of the workshops I attended reminded me of the importance of creating and sustaining the right culture…and this reminder was much needed.

I also returned to my church with a number of practical resources.  In the workshops I attended, I was introduced to a number of online tools and videos that will be useful for educational ministries.  I have already shared these with colleagues and we anticipate using several of them in 2015.

I am glad I attended the 2014 National CEF and I would encourage others to consider attending the next conference, which will be in Nashville again.
-          Rev. Chris Barbieri - Associate Rome First UMC

Monday, December 1, 2014

First National CEF Conference

Attending my first National CEF Conference, the drive up with friends put my mind in a great place to begin receiving great thoughts, ideas, and experiences to bring home. Pulling into the hotel parking lot I already had five pages of notes on my clipboard.

One of the many takeaways I heard from many of the workshops had to do with vocabulary. Serving in children’s ministry, I began asking myself, “Do I intentionally share with my children the vocabulary which applies to a United Methodist?” I never thought about it. This truly came to mind when I heard of a workshop I didn’t even attend about Faith Milestones for little people. Digging through my colleague’s materials I was mesmerized with the simplicity, yet intentional sharing of vocabulary that comes with a 1st/2nd grader’s event called, “Touch and Feel My Church.” This is so easily implemented in a local church of any size that I made Faith Milestones one of the top two priorities in setting my calendar for ministry with children for next year.

DeDe Reilly 
Director of Children's Ministries
Wesley Chapel UMC